WWTP Veľké Kostolany 3000 PE

The first project of AGS technology AS-GranBio® was the intensification of the municipal WWTP in the village of Veľké Kostoľany. The original WWTP had SBR technology, but the operator and the supplier were not able to approve the WWTP for more than 10 years due to failure to achieve the required outflow parameters.

The operator was aware of the problems at the WWTP and was looking for a way to eliminate them. The first solution was to design the expansion of the WWTP. However, the investment costs were so high that without the help of grants, the municipality was not able to carry out such a reconstruction. When even after several years the municipality was not successful in obtaining grant funding and the operator obtained information about our new technology, we were approached to develop a technical-price offer for the reconstruction of the WWTP to AGS technology.

Since the low price of the WWTP reconstruction pleasantly surprised the investor (the municipality was able to pay it from the municipality's budget without any problems), we agreed on the implementation. You can see the result of the reconstruction carried out at the end of 2018 and the start-up of the WWTP in a paper from the conference Reconstruction of Podbánske 2019.

The WWTP was finally approved in 2019 and put into permanent operation. Over the next two years, the WWTP achieved consistently high treatment efficiencies for both organic pollution and high efficiency for the removal of ammonia and total nitrogen and total phosphorus.


Prezentácia – Konferencia „Rekonštrukcie stokových sietí a čistiarní odpadových vôd“ 2019 Podbánske

Komunálne čistiarne odpadových vôd - ASIO-SK, s.r.o.
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